And on the 12th Day He Rested…
Or something like that. As predicted, my legs rebelled against any sort of intensive travel happening. LAZY Monday (sort of). Did a grocery run in the morning and got a real baguette, which I proceeded to devour half of slathered in Nutella later in the day. Slowly testing out all the different flavors of Orangina […]
Day 11: So. Many. Wieners.
No, not because my apartment is in le Marais. Today’s walk was delayed due to cold, and Michelle and I hit the Louvre. And let me tell you, there is a lot of nudity in art. I am totally not complaining. I have to say, the whole place is amazing. And yes, one needs multiple […]
Day 10: Giverney
So Michelle came back from Nantes to spend another weekend in Paris (addict much, Michi??). As part of the deal, we decided to hop the train to Giverny to see Monet’s Water Gardens. For those keeping score, that’s the train we slept through LAST weekend. Long story short: HO. LY. CRAP. A. MAZE. ING. I’m’a […]
Day 9: Breakin’ the Law! Breakin’ the Law!
Today was “Clay goes to the Philips France office” day. I was able to take the Metro most of the way there, and a street train took me the rest of the way. My NaviGo Metro Pass THEORETICALLY only works in Zone 1 and 2, but the office stop was the first stop in Zone […]
Day 8: Oh no you di’int!
So I woke this morning to my body saying, “Um, yeah, about that ridiculously long walk you took yesterday? Screw you and your photo taking, dude, today we sit. Sit. Sit. Sit.” So it was a nice, long, slow morning. Did a little work first thing (I don’t know why some of my co-workers are […]
Day 7: Latin Quarter Literary Loop
The first thing I realized when I left the apartment today was that I may have left my sunglasses in my car. Must do more searching. But the first TRULY sunny day since my arrival found me wandering the Latin Quarter, following another Lonely Planet walking tour. There’s honestly not a WHOLE lot to say […]
Day 6: Orange
Oh Tuesday. So full of potential thwarted by rain. But it’s okay. I made my way out of the house pretty early so that I could get a French sim card for my phone. I got to the Orange store closest to my place just before they opened at 10, so I took another lap […]
Day 5: Medieval Meanderings in the Marais
I didn’t realize it when I booked the apartment, but apparently le Marais (this neighborhood) is pretty much the Paris equivalent of The Castro. My street also happens to be the center of Paris’ Jewish district. So that means I’m totally surrounded by good food, good delis, good bars, good shopping, and good nightclubs. I’m […]
Day 4: Easter
Super relaxed day, today. Slept in (again) after yesterday’s festivities. When I finally got moving it was to spend most of the day working on BoxOffice stuff for Un-Scripted while Amy and Michelle packed to head for Nantes. Amy made a kickass lunch of ravioli, boiled eggs and salad, and I gnoshed on fresh bread […]
Our plans to visit the Water Gardens were thwarted by a horrible case of Sleeping In. As such, we decided to just wander for the day, and when Michi checked the internetz, she discovered that there would be a flashmob pillow fight in the courtyard in front of Sacré-Cœur in Monmartre. We totally couldn’t pass THAT […]
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