In the aftermath of our visit to the city buried by the volcano, we were all pretty well tuckered out. 3.5 hours up, 4 hours there, 3.5 hours back. Heat. Walking. More walking… So, Saturday because a day of relaxing.
Mom and I started off with an afternoon swim in the sea. The water was almost TOO warm. But not really.
Quick grocery store run for supplies, afternoon naps, then a late dinner of meat on a stick.

Speidino Rustica: sausage, pork, pork belly, a sliver of bell pepper, and other unidentifiable (probably pork) based meats. On a stick.
I could have started the grill sooner… it’s this solid metal plate over the flames that took FOREVER to heat up, but overall, it wasn’t bad. Nice, mellow dinner conversation, and (relatively) early to bed for everyone. There were about 45 seconds of tiny fireworks when the Football game ended, but not nearly as ostentatious as earlier in the week.
Overall, good recuperation day.
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