Day 10: Rainy Days and Bidets Always Get Me Down…

I woke about 2AM to the sound of rain. It was lovely, and stopped shortly after I rolled over to go back to sleep.

When I finally woke again, it was still overcast, and just before 10AM, the rain started again.  Big, fat drops falling down with enough force to rattle the leaves and make loud spattering noises on the paving stones.


Of course just after I finished taking that video I realized I’d left the car windows open slightly, so grabbed the keys and I bolted up the (now wet and slippery) tile stairs to the parking spot, jumped in the car and put up the windows.  I opted to hide in the car for a few moments, but then my mom came out to move the laundry and other things in the parking/patio area under the awning, and I felt guilty, so I got out to help her.

I don’t think the rain really lasted more than five minutes or so, really.  Then it got super nice (if a little more humid than normal) out.

When it cleared up, Mom, Dad and I hiked down the cliff to the beach and went for a glorious swim. P brought down girl-babbie, too. Much fun was had by all.

Thank goodness for SPF50 swim shirts! Photo Credit: Dad

We made a grocery run to get dinner supplies, and I came home and made a bell pepper/prosciutto cotto frittata.  Over cooked it JUST slightly.  The cheese on top was a bit more caramelized than I wanted it.  But it still tasted okay.

Bed pretty early.  Nice, relaxing day, overall.


What do you mean, “Is that it?”

Ohhhhhh… you’re talking about the post title.  Yeah.


So, at home, I have one of those awesome robotic toilet seats that self warms, has a night light, and washes your butt.  It’s amazing.  I highly recommend you getting one, it changes your life.

There are four bathrooms here in the house, and two of them have traditional, European bidets in them.

“Hey self!” I thinks to myself, “It’s just a detached version of what you have at home, like when the garage is separate from the house. You should totally try it out!”

And so I did… and… I couldn’t figure out how to actually get the job done.  There was no beeping, there was no warm, gentle washing, there was no blowdrying.  It was just a faucet that you turned on and somehow had to get your ass into position to use.  I failed, miserably.

So in my downtime, I decided to google “How the hell do you use a bidet?”

Here is the answer, people:

And there you have it. I still like mine at home better.

Categories: Calabria

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