Day 9: Breakin’ the Law! Breakin’ the Law!

Today was “Clay goes to the Philips France office” day.  I was able to take the Metro most of the way there, and a street train took me the rest of the way.  My NaviGo Metro Pass THEORETICALLY only works in Zone 1 and 2, but the office stop was the first stop in Zone 3.  Some web research led me to understand that “They really don’t care.”  And it was true.  I got off the Metro and over to the street trains with no problem.  Bought two street train tickets, and made my way to Philips France (which really isn’t in Paris, but in one of the suburbs just a SMIDGE outside Paris).

Home away from home...

The meeting at the office (which took place on the second floor, pretty much right there) went really well.  And two hours after it started I was back out on the street and on my way to the train station.

Got on the street train. Put in my ticket. Rode the train two stops to the end. Went down into the Metro… and was stuck.

My metro card wouldn’t let me in. “Wrong Zone.” The ticket I used to get on the street train wouldn’t let me in.  I was sort of trapped in the middle of all these turnstiles, and I couldn’t get to the other side because I didn’t have the right ticket.  I could *SEE* the machines that would get me the ticket, but they were on the other side.  So eventually I had to go the wrong way through two security exit door things that people were coming the other way out of, just to get to where I needed to be so I could buy a ticket to get to where I wanted to go.


But I got home.

Michelle returned from Nantes for a few days to crash on my couch again, so we headed out for a night time stroll around Notre Dame, and took the photos that follow the few other Philips France photos… Please to be enjoying.

Categories: Paris

Day 8: Oh no you di’int!

So I woke this morning to my body saying, “Um, yeah, about that ridiculously long walk you took yesterday?  Screw you and your photo taking, dude, today we sit. Sit. Sit. Sit.”

So it was a nice, long, slow morning.  Did a little work first thing (I don’t know why some of my co-workers are on-line at 1AM their time thinking business. Sheesh!)  Showered, and got out of the house in time for lunch at Open Cafe.  The salad dressing they use there is a curry.  It took me a while to identify it, because I’m not used to that flavor on salad, but it goes REALLY well.

Post lunch, I opted to wander through the men’s store at Bazaar Hotel de Ville. Since it’s been chilly and rainy, I’ve been seeing EVERYONE sporting the loose scarf look, and it’s starting to grow on me.  Not totally sold on the idea though, I figured I’d peruse some potential neck warmers and let that influence my final decision.

Honestly, the majority of them… didn’t like.  WAY too European for my tastes. However, I did find one loose knit, dark red scarf that made me say “YES! I’ll join the ranks of the hipsters and wear a scarf EVERYWHERE!!”

Until I saw the €90 price tag.

After that, I was like… maybe I shouldn’t be looking to buy things in the touristy area…

Wandered home after that, stumbled upon the sex toy store — not that I’m in the market, but who knew it was so close to my house — but if Kelly comes to visit there will be somewhere embarrassing to take her. 🙂

Picked up some Guatamalan roast coffee at Monoprix (and some more of the amazing Mustard flavored potato chips), then settled in to work for the afternoon — conference calls out the wazoo.

I did figure out how to use the little single cup stove top coffee pot, and while good, I think I need to start saving up for an espresso machine when I get home.

I'm a little coffee pot, short and stout...

Oh, and this is the first time I went out sans camera, too…

Categories: Paris

Day 7: Latin Quarter Literary Loop

The first thing I realized when I left the apartment today was that I may have left my sunglasses in my car.  Must do more searching.

But the first TRULY sunny day since my arrival found me wandering the Latin Quarter, following another Lonely Planet walking tour.

Latin Quarter Literary Tour

There’s honestly not a WHOLE lot to say about it other than… damn. Maybe someday there will be a plaque on a house I used to live in that says something cool about me. 🙂

I also realized, during my journey today, that whenever I find a place I want to return to later (like the SciFi store), I just need to take a photo of it.  Then, the GPS unit that sits with my camera (thank you Lynette and Earl) will tag the photo with the exact location of where the place is so I can find it again later!

I’m so smart it hurts.

All told, I walked about 9.5 miles and climbed about 16 flights worth of stairs during the day.  To say my feet hurt would be an understatement.  THANKFULLY my NaviGo Metro Card got me home efficiently and without extra steps!

The work day was amusing. More video editing. Gave one of my co-workers a webcam tour of the apartment. Project meetings. Project planning. Then I finished up the new box office and concession forms for Un-Scripted and sent them to be printed at the FedEx on Market that’s close to Alan’s work.

Productive, productive day… now I just need to actually find my sun glasses.

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Day 6: Orange

Oh Tuesday. So full of potential thwarted by rain.  But it’s okay.  I made my way out of the house pretty early so that I could get a French sim card for my phone.  I got to the Orange store closest to my place just before they opened at 10, so I took another lap around the block.  That’s when it started raining.  I feared for my afternoon plans to wander the Latin Quarter before going to work, but it was only a light rain…

There were two people in line ahead of me when i got back to the Orange store.  The older lady had a bag filled with something that smelled all at once fresh baked, meaty and TOTALLY delicious.  It was hard not to club her like a baby seal, steal her bag, and run off into the night… but since it wasn’t night, I didn’t do that.

When it was finally my turn, the gentleman at the counter explained that his store was too small to deal with sim cards, and directed me to the Orange store on rue Rivoli, at number 43.  So I headed back out into the (now signigicantly more daunting) rain in search of N° 43 rue Rivoli.

You would think this wouldn’t be all that difficult.  I walked down rue de Temple until I hit rue Rivoli.  The building I was next to said N° 62.  So I went left, since that was the way the numbers decreased.  But when I got to N° 42 and crossed the street, I was in front of N° 19. Muh?  So I turned around and walked BACK the way I came, passed the place I started, and went just as far in the opposite direction until I got to N° 43, which was across from N° 80something.  No cross street synchronicity with numbers.  WHO KNEW?!?!

The young lady at the new Orange store hooked me up with a new sim card tout suite, and I was on my way with a new phone number and €14,90 less in my wallet. That would keep my phone active for a week. Once it expires, I can recharge it at will (supposedly).

By this point, the rain was pretty much telling me “You’re going home to start work early today.” Which is what I did.  But not before stumbling upon la place Igor Stravinsky next to the Pompidou Center and the Cloister of St. Mary’s, where I took a handful of photos, which I present to you here.

I stopped at the felafel place on the corner before heading back to the apartment and spending the rest of the day video editing.  I actually ended up working from about 2:00 till about 11:30.  But I got a lot done!

Categories: Paris

Day 5: Medieval Meanderings in the Marais

I didn’t realize it when I booked the apartment, but apparently le Marais (this neighborhood) is pretty much the  Paris equivalent of The Castro.  My street also happens to be the center of Paris’ Jewish district.  So that means I’m totally surrounded by good food, good delis, good bars, good shopping, and good nightclubs.  I’m not sure I could have found a better location if I tried.

I started the morning off with an early lunch at Open Cafe.  A double espresso (seriously, the coffee here is mind blowing) and a Tartine l’Italian made for super awesomeness.

In my perusal of the Lonely Planet City Guide to Paris last night, I came across a walking tour called “Medieval Meanderings in the Marais.”  Well, since that’s my neighborhood, I figured it was as good a place to start as any.  So when lunch was done, I fired up the GPS and went for a walk.

Medieval Meanderings in the Marais

The official tour started at the St. Paul Metro station, where there’s a carousel.   YEAH BABY!  CAROUSEL!!!

Then I wandered around the neighborhood looking at these amazing old buildings and the ruins of even older buildings that the old buildings had sort of absorbed and made part of themselves.

Le Marais translates as “The Swamp.” Apparently this whole area was Seine River swampland until it was converted to farmland, and then richpeople land.  Before Versailles, the royal palace was right in my neighborhood.  Of course, “The Swamp” being the gay district gives a WHOLE new spin to the things that went down on M*A*S*H…

Unfortunately, it seems that the Museé Picasso is still closed for renovations, so I won’t be able to visit, but hey, I lived within 4 blocks of it!!

It was only a 2km walking tour, so I was done relatively quickly, and made my way home to start the work day.  Shortly after I arrived, it began to rain, which made being inside with Nutella, bread and my laptop all the more pleasant…

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Day 4: Easter

Super relaxed day, today.  Slept in (again) after yesterday’s festivities.  When I finally got moving it was to spend most of the day working on BoxOffice stuff for Un-Scripted while Amy and Michelle packed to head for Nantes.

Amy made a kickass lunch of ravioli, boiled eggs and salad, and I gnoshed on fresh bread and Nutella throughout the day while I listened to the music coming from the Synagogue downstairs.

Did some laundry.  Crazy eco laundry machines in another language are confusing.  But things got cleaned.

Laundry, aren't you thrilled?

Once the ladies left, I had the leftover ravioli and a mini meat and cheese tray for dinner.  Straightened up the apartment some, and climbed into bed with my Lonely Planet Paris guide to figure out what tomorrow morning’s adventure will be!


Categories: Paris


Our plans to visit the Water Gardens were thwarted by a horrible case of Sleeping In.

As such, we decided to just wander for the day, and when Michi checked the internetz, she discovered that there would be a flashmob pillow fight in the courtyard in front of Sacré-Cœur in Monmartre. We totally couldn’t pass THAT up.

So, a hop on the Metro (got me a monthly pass), and we were in the 18th District.  We found this café about 1/3 of the way up the hill to Sacré-Cœur. Probably the best quiche I’ve every had, and by far the best espresso.  I could drink that espresso all freakin day.  And we actually ended up going BACK after the day’s adventures to grab one more before we headed off to dinner.

So once brunch was done, we started climbing the rest of the stairs.  We climbed. And climbed. AND climbed.  All said and done, this is my stair count from yesterday according to my magic electronic pedometer (thanks Bryce!!).

The pillow fight started right on schedule and was epic. As soon as it was done and everyone had posed for photos they all started scooping up the fallen down (ha!) and cleaned the courtyard.  Then we were off to drink wine in a park along with some of Michi and Amy’s friends.

That, too, became epic. 8 or 9 people 4 or so bottles of wine 2 or so guitars (we totally kidnapped this poor kid as he walked by with his guitar and made him play for us, and then another young lady just stopped and joined in) — made for a leisurely afternoon in the shade. 3 Californians, a few Frenchmen, two midwesteners, an Italian, a Pole, a Russian and a few that I couldn’t figure out.

Stanley was, of course, the belle of the ball. 🙂

From the park, we returned to L’Été en Pente Douce for more coffee, and got caught outside in a hail monsoon (thankfully we were under an umbrella.

After that, a quick jaunt down rue de Clingencourt to Michi and Amy’s friend Manu’s house for dinner with his current guests Tim and Femke (graphic designer and PhD candidate studying liver cancer) from Ghent in Belgium.  Good conversation, more wine, tasty food, and late night.

Categories: Paris

Day 2: Visitors!!

So today I was joined by Michi and Amy.  Some of you may remember Michi from Jesters, Un-Scripted or La Pastaia/Hedley Club.  She is helping Amy out with her music tour of Europe, and our paths happen to cross for two days, so it was SUPER TOURIST DAY!

We had an AMAZING lunch (Croque Madame and Mocaccino for me), then wandered down and around Notre Dame, skirted the edges of the Latin Quarter, and then hopped on the RAR for a quick jaunt out to the Eiffel Tower so Michi could see it before she leaves.  We walked a lot.  A LOT.

Here are photos!!

Categories: Paris

Day 1: J’arrive*

So I managed to sleep pretty much the entire flight from San Francisco to Charlotte.  I seriously don’t remember much time passing at all, honestly.  It was a quick walk from concourse B to concourse D, and I got settled in for the 75 minute wait between planes.

Once I was on the second flight, shit started to get real.  Or at least, it did in my mine.  I got really giddy with excitement and was going through the whole “I can’t believe this is already happening” dance in my head.  Things are awesome when you plan and think about them.  They can be a little daunting as they approach.

The plane layout was 2-4-2, which I’d not seen in a while, but it meant that there was one less person between me and my window seat and the aisle.  This poor neurotic mom sat beside me, with two early teenaged daughters directly behind us.  She apologized for everything… I mean EVERYTHING, and the girls were… well, typical early teen girls.  So when I heard the stewardess say there were 16 open seats in our section, I kept my eye on the open pair two rows ahead of us, and as soon as the cabin door was shut, i jumped up there to give mom some more space (she was much more chilled out later, when I came back to get my bag from the overhead).

So having two seats to myself was pretty sweet.  I settle in and watched “Win Win” and “Wolverine” hoping that two back to back movies would make me tired enough to go back to sleep.  But no such luck.  I was awake for pretty much the whole 8 hour trans-Atlantic flight.

We landed in Paris about 7AM local time, which was still only 10PM in California.  I made my way to customs, and got through with a CA-CHUNK in my passport and a smile.  My bags were the first off the plane, and I was through customs and in line to change some currency before the bags were even done being offloaded from the flight.

Hopped in a cap for a LOOOOOOOOOONG and pricey ride from the airport to the apartment.  Traffic was Boston crazy.  The streets make Boston’s look expansive and spacious.  The cab driver couldn’t get down my street because of delivery trucks, so he ended up going to the other end and backing up the street until he was as close to the place as he was going to get.

I got inside, and the property manager, Stephanie, was there waiting for me.  Got the security deposit handed over, she gave me the tour, told me where the grocery store was, and then I settled in for a nap. (Super exciting, huh?)

Got up about 1:30 and wandered around the neighborhood a bit.  Found the grocery stores (yay toilet paper, cereal and Nutella!!), found more awesome looking cafés than I could count, and found the place that will hopefully get me a French simcard for my phone tomorrow.  Randomly walked around a corner, looked up, and said to myself “Oh hey, there’s Notre Dame behind those buildings there…” at one point.  That was kinda awesome.

Got back to the apartment, set up the laptop, and spent the evening working. International conference calls via Office Communicator FTW!!

Just finished unpacking (mostly), need to put stuff away, then it’s early to bed for me.

Looks like I’ll be having house guests tomorrow (already!).

*My French is pitiful. Deal with it.


Categories: Paris

One last shitty croissant…

At SFO. Boarding in 45 minutes.


Categories: Paris

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