Day 9: Breakin’ the Law! Breakin’ the Law!

Today was “Clay goes to the Philips France office” day.  I was able to take the Metro most of the way there, and a street train took me the rest of the way.  My NaviGo Metro Pass THEORETICALLY only works in Zone 1 and 2, but the office stop was the first stop in Zone 3.  Some web research led me to understand that “They really don’t care.”  And it was true.  I got off the Metro and over to the street trains with no problem.  Bought two street train tickets, and made my way to Philips France (which really isn’t in Paris, but in one of the suburbs just a SMIDGE outside Paris).

Home away from home...

The meeting at the office (which took place on the second floor, pretty much right there) went really well.  And two hours after it started I was back out on the street and on my way to the train station.

Got on the street train. Put in my ticket. Rode the train two stops to the end. Went down into the Metro… and was stuck.

My metro card wouldn’t let me in. “Wrong Zone.” The ticket I used to get on the street train wouldn’t let me in.  I was sort of trapped in the middle of all these turnstiles, and I couldn’t get to the other side because I didn’t have the right ticket.  I could *SEE* the machines that would get me the ticket, but they were on the other side.  So eventually I had to go the wrong way through two security exit door things that people were coming the other way out of, just to get to where I needed to be so I could buy a ticket to get to where I wanted to go.


But I got home.

Michelle returned from Nantes for a few days to crash on my couch again, so we headed out for a night time stroll around Notre Dame, and took the photos that follow the few other Philips France photos… Please to be enjoying.

Categories: Paris

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