Day 4: Easter

Super relaxed day, today.  Slept in (again) after yesterday’s festivities.  When I finally got moving it was to spend most of the day working on BoxOffice stuff for Un-Scripted while Amy and Michelle packed to head for Nantes.

Amy made a kickass lunch of ravioli, boiled eggs and salad, and I gnoshed on fresh bread and Nutella throughout the day while I listened to the music coming from the Synagogue downstairs.

Did some laundry.  Crazy eco laundry machines in another language are confusing.  But things got cleaned.

Laundry, aren't you thrilled?

Once the ladies left, I had the leftover ravioli and a mini meat and cheese tray for dinner.  Straightened up the apartment some, and climbed into bed with my Lonely Planet Paris guide to figure out what tomorrow morning’s adventure will be!


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