Jaunt to Tropea for lunch, then down to the docs to await the boat which would take us to Stromboli.

Porto Tropea

The trip took about an hour and a half, and we arrived with about 2.5 hours to kill on the island before heading out for the nighttime show that would hopefully happen.

We climbed to the top of the town, stopping to window shop along the way, and ended up near the church, because Ingress portals, and had pizzas and beverages at Bar Irene.

On the way back down the hill, there was granita, more shopping, and then a wait with a bunch of other pushy tourists for our boat to arrive.

We sailed out and around Strombolini, the little crag with a lighthouse off the coast of Stromboli.  It’s kinda cool, actually.  Then, as the sun set, we came around to the back side of the island and waited.

You could see the glow of the lava reflected off the smoke… it was kinda pink in the darkness.  There really wasn’t enough light to get decent photos of it, though.  Everyone was sort of quiet and just talking among themselves when the tour leader come on and announced (in German and Italian) that Stromboli must be sleeping tonight.  The boat began to turn away from the island, and just as it did, a quick geyser of lava shot up out of the mountain, causing many oohs and ahhhs from all the gathered boats.

So we waited a little longer, and weren’t disappointed, and a big fan erupted and sprayed the slope with fire.

Stromboli says “Oh hai!”

Not a HUGE show, but super cool, nonetheless.

The trip back was another hour and a half, and then a short ride home and sleep after a long, long day.

Categories: Calabria

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